During their different journeys of the MEMORIA Norway project, SpringerParker will update the Logbook on a regular basis.
It documents their route and events in forms of on location photos and descriptions sent directly via the mobile phone to this website.
Clicking at the geographical data to the left of the entries lets you follow their route on the map.
Sep-05-09 - 16:27
Visiting Kirkenes
Now we can actually see what we were only able to hear by means of heavy metallic sounds when we've been here during wintertime. They are building a new hotel complex at the habour site.
Sep-05-09 - 16:05
Down this fjord before
We spent a lot of time near this fjord during our winter exploration.
Sep-05-09 - 15:22
Sketches from Finnmark
Parker is doing some surface rubbings in a sketchbook.
Sep-05-09 - 14:33
Since we are already in the neighbourhood, we decided to take a short trip to Kirkenes. On the way mist is coming over from the water. It started to rain.
Sep-05-09 - 11:21
Good morning Norway
First morning in Norway, at a camping space in Tana. Looks like a storm is coming up, you hear the crows that are playing with the wind.
Sep-04-09 - 21:13
The Sami Bridge
Crossing the Sami Bridge over the river Tenojoki which connects Finland and Norway.
Sep-04-09 - 21:05
We are driving on the longest highway of Finland (which starts from Helsinki) along the Utsjoki river, towards the northern end of the country. Yes, it's still raining and it's getting even darker.