During their different journeys of the MEMORIA Norway project, SpringerParker will update the Logbook on a regular basis.
It documents their route and events in forms of on location photos and descriptions sent directly via the mobile phone to this website.
Clicking at the geographical data to the left of the entries lets you follow their route on the map.
Sep-03-09 - 21:15
Springer, we're not in Haparanda anymore
Time is different here.
Sep-03-09 - 21:09
Approaching the city
We're about to cross the border to Finland. On the left side there is a gigantic IKEA. You can google the story behind this store.
Sep-03-09 - 20:13
Last Swedish Sunset
Birches in the sunset. Parker thinks this part of Sweden is kind of spooky.
Sep-03-09 - 16:12
Taking pictures with a telephone
Taking pictures sideways out of the car window combined with a gigantic road hole does funny effects.
Sep-03-09 - 14:41
This is the way to Haparanda
Today it's really warm and sunny, we are on our way towards Haparanda.
Sep-03-09 - 02:39
Déjà vu
Same bridge, different night. Nearly full moon.
Sep-02-09 - 19:40
A Rainbow in Curved Air
Sometimes simple things can make you happy ...