During their different journeys of the MEMORIA Norway project, SpringerParker will update the Logbook on a regular basis.
It documents their route and events in forms of on location photos and descriptions sent directly via the mobile phone to this website.
Clicking at the geographical data to the left of the entries lets you follow their route on the map.
Sep-16-09 - 16:15
Where have all the flowers gone
We drove on into the direction of North Cape to see if the floral vegetation in other areas is as little as around Lakselv compared to one year ago. It is.
Sep-16-09 - 12:15
So this time we've been followed, closely watched, filmed and interviewed about our project and the different ways we collect material for our archives. The weather played nice and we really enjoyed the time with them.
Sep-16-09 - 12:09
NRK - Safari
We met up with Jeanette Platou and Thomas Wiborg from the Norwegian Television (NRK) who are accompanying us to do a feature for their SAFARI programme.
Sep-16-09 - 10:55
Todays stop is a place we've been before during our explorations: Trollholmsund which lies about 20 km north of Stabbursdalen. A magical place where we collected a lot of the pictures of flowers and plants for our Florae series. Today we will have company.
Sep-15-09 - 16:56
Filling our archives
Today we did field recordings inside the Stabbursdalen National Park for our Finnmark sound archive. This hanging bridge crosses the Stabburs river near Snekkernes, where several Sami reindeer breeders are living.
Sep-14-09 - 20:09
Another camping dinner
So the news are: Springer broke his glasses and now has to wear his 15 year old blue sunglasses all the time, which makes him feel kind of silly. --- Today was election day in Norway, therefore you were not allowed to buy alcohol in the shops. That would be a nice idea to try in Germany. --- It was a cloudy and rainy day and we are having another nice and simple dinner at our mobile home. --- Today a busload of children arrived to enjoy some outside adventure, which makes the camp a really vivid place.
Sep-14-09 - 18:10
Parker again proofed himself as water- and coldproof when he suddenly decided to take some contact microphone sound recordings in the middle of the Stabburs River.