During their different journeys of the MEMORIA Norway project, SpringerParker will update the Logbook on a regular basis.
It documents their route and events in forms of on location photos and descriptions sent directly via the mobile phone to this website.
Clicking at the geographical data to the left of the entries lets you follow their route on the map.
Nov-07-09 - 02:32
Before getting some sleep, we need to study some of the tons of manuals that came with the car. After some painful experiences in march, we really appreciate what this vehicle has to offer.
Nov-06-09 - 17:42
Nowhere Stories
A local told us, that it suddenly started to snow about a week ago, two meters on one day. On our way we saw two huge trucks lying next to the roads, completely wrecked, so it really must have catched them unprepared. The same guy also proposed a different route than our navigation system did. This tip will save us about 200 km of driving into snowy darkness. Here we go.
Nov-06-09 - 17:07
Running up that hill
When we approached a hill on our way towards the Swedish border, we collected a trail of cars and trucks behind us and decided to stop our car at a bus stop to let them pass. Bad idea. When we tried to drive on, the wheels were spinning and the back of the car slid into a snow drift. Any try to get out got the car only deeper inside. Lucky for us, the farmer from next door just came back from walking his dog and did not hesitate to get his tractor out of the barn. He finally managed to get us out of the deep snow and while he pulled Parker and the car up the hill, Springer was running behind it, waving goodbye to the neighbours kid who watched the spectacle with curious eyes.
Nov-06-09 - 15:51
Another Kind of Snow
During the last hours, an enormous amount of snow found its way down to Norway. It's wet and sticky, unlike what we experienced in march, when it was much colder. It's hard to keep on track, we can barely see the road.
Nov-06-09 - 13:41
I smell winter
Shortly after Oslo passed by, we think we might have crossed the snow line. We did not expect this to happen so soon. It is around zero degrees celsius and the scenery is more and more covered in white.
Nov-06-09 - 12:18
Exit Vestfold
We just left Vestfold county of which Tønsberg is the administrative centre, which by the way has a huge Viking history. Fold was the old name of the now called Oslofjord, so the name obviously refers to the location west of it. Tolkien fans might notice the name "Westfold" from Middle-Earth. Exit Vestfold is the title of the upcoming exhibition at the Haugar Art Museum, with artists who are coming from the region but left to work in other places around the world.
Nov-05-09 - 12:41
Pop goes the World
Today, we need to build down our equipment, but before that, we are using the setting to experiment a little more with our material. Among yesterdays audience were Freda Lotta and her friend Nami, art students from Tønsberg, but the funny fact is, that Freda comes from Rheder, a town near Haldern, where we started our trip and she's a regular of the festival. Small world.