During their different journeys of the MEMORIA Norway project, SpringerParker will update the Logbook on a regular basis.
It documents their route and events in forms of on location photos and descriptions sent directly via the mobile phone to this website.
Clicking at the geographical data to the left of the entries lets you follow their route on the map.
Nov-30-09 - 12:54
Catching up with the past
Due to some technical issues with our mobile phone we will have to put in the entries of the last days during the next days. Sorry for that, please stick with us and check back soon!
Nov-30-09 - 12:03
Four-legged invaders
If you visit Hammerfest, at one or more spots you might come across a fence that surrounds the city. It was built in 2006 as a solution to keep out approx. 3000 reindeers wandering around in the city. Of course they didn't know how to behave in populated areas, so they did the things that reindeers are used to do, eating grass and flowers in the gardens, walking around in the streets, the churches and the houses and even peeing into sandboxes. We came across these stories in many towns in the Finnmark, but as far as we know, only the about 9400 inhabitants of Hammerfest took such consequences. The Fence is 1,7 m high and 20 km long.
Nov-30-09 - 03:02
Melkøya is an island in front of Hammerfest hosting a huge facility where liquid natural gas is produced. The flame on top of the huge chimney is shining like a sun over the fjord and lights up the nearby mountains.
Nov-30-09 - 01:29
John Henrik Guttorm
Due to the challenging weather conditions, we arrived at Hammerfest much later than planned. We missed a concert at the Arctic Culture Center but met some nice members of the cast and crew afterwards. Among them was light designer John Henrik Guttorm, born in Karasjok into a Sámi reindeer farmer family. With him we had a few hours of inspiring talks, exchanging our thoughts about the developments of the Finnmark. He worries a lot about the future and the environment. He may be one of the next generation Sámi, having great expectations for the future of the Finnmark by combining Sámi traditions with contemporary knowledge. By listening to his stories you notice, how grateful he is to his grandfather for what he teached him about life and himself.
Nov-29-09 - 20:26
The trees are carrying a heavy burden. The further we drove, the more surreal the scenery became.
Nov-29-09 - 18:29
We are driving slowly while the snow follows us like a ghostly creature floating through the dark.
Nov-29-09 - 15:00
Farewell for now
We're going to leave Stabbursdalen soon, next destination: Hammerfest. It is still snowing heavily but it's only just around zero degrees C. That worries us a bit, because we have some kilometers of driving ahead.