During their explorations and tours of the MEMORIA NORWAY project, SpringerParker will update the Logbook on a regular basis. It documents their route and events in forms of on location photos and descriptions sent directly via the mobile phone to this website. Clicking at the geographical data to the left of the entries lets you follow their route on the map.
Go here to see the Logbook archive of the previous explorations
Feb-14-10 - 14:03
This is our very first ride on such machines. Noisy, stinky and very exciting. And off through the woods we go.
Feb-14-10 - 13:48
Tor Johnny was up early to prepare two snowscooters and sledges for 9 people for a trip to the lake.
Feb-13-10 - 18:51
Like fur
The ice crystals are growing like fur on the walls around us.
Feb-13-10 - 18:48
Cool chamber
We're down in the power station, a few meters above the water surface, where the cooling water for the generators is.
Feb-13-10 - 18:28
The dam
Snowy view from the dam, which connects this power station with a Russian one on the other side of the border.
Feb-13-10 - 18:15
Big Fish
... to big ones, which are about 3 years old and are soon to be released into the river.
Feb-13-10 - 18:10
Little Fish
Altogether there are about 25.000 trouts growing up there, separated by size and age. From very little ones ...
Feb-13-10 - 18:00
The power station
Monas husband, Tor Johnny works at the Pasvik Kraft powerstation and invited us for a guided tour. Because the dam of the station disturbs the natural fish life of the region, they decided to grow fish in basins inside the building.
Feb-13-10 - 17:23
Monas place
We are invited to spend the weekend at Monas place at Skogfoss in the Pasvik Valley, close to the Taiga restaurant where we had a great evening some days ago. Mona is the administrative director at Pikene på Broen.